8 important tips to organize catering for your office party Thu, Oct 27, 22 8 important tips to organize catering for your office party 1. Know your audience The catering you provide at events will vary depending on the audience, in terms of both preferences and numbers. If you believe that your guests will have certain favorite items, ask around to get a better sense of things. You also need to have a general idea of how many people will be in the audience, because the numbers directly affect your financial commitments. 2. Set your budget Once you have a handle on how many people are expected to attend your event, it’s important to start preparing for how much catering will cost. Although the number of guests could either increase or decrease before the event, being financially prepared can help you avoid a disaster. Setting a budget plan helps in the early stage, but make sure it’s flexible in case of an unexpected turnout. 3. Try before you buy The catering you serve at events are all assumed to have your personal stamp of approval, so make sure that you enjoy the items being provided. Offering quality meals and drinks can lead to a more engaging meeting, while sub-par products can give the impression that you don’t care about your guests. Trying out the catering before purchasing allows you to vet the items and avoid getting any negative reactions from your audience. 4. Account for dietary restrictions Speaking of frustrating the guests, always make sure to account for any dietary restrictions before finalizing a list of choices. Find a way to include vegan and kosher options on your menu, as those are common restrictions that people encounter when looking for food. It’s also key to avoid any common allergies that cause problems, like peanut butter and other nut-based goods. 5. Follow a relevant theme The best office parties tend to follow a theme. Usually these themes are dependent on the particular reason for why there’s a party in the first place. Perhaps use a Christmas-inspired spread if it’s a winter holiday party, or maybe something personalized to one particular guest if it’s a birthday party. There are so many different themes to choose from, but connecting your catering to a particular theme can help boost your event’s energy. 6. Create a list of menu options After you’ve come to a catering company decision, it’s time to create the list of options available so your guests know what to order. Office catering menus can be sent out both in-person and electronically, making them a versatile tool for any kind of event. Give your attendees plenty of time in advance to reply with their menu submissions, which puts them at ease and also makes it easier for you to keep track of how much money the catering will cost. 7. Order the food and drinks Now that your guests have all been given menus, it’s time to get their orders rolling. The type of delivery systems will vary depending on whether the event is virtual, in-person, or hybrid, but what matters most is ensuring the items are delivered on time. You should have a reliable delivery plan lined up, because shipping concerns that delay your catering will irritate everyone when they get hungry. 8. Impress your guests Last but not least, you want to use office party catering ideas that will genuinely impress your guests. It’s an underrated skill to organize and execute a detailed plan, but it’s certainly not under-appreciated by anyone in the audience if their orders are delivered on time. Providing people with delicious food and drinks can greatly help boost their engagement, which can result in them having a more positive experience.